One of the reasons I love reading Slate's Dear Prudence articles is because Emily Yoffe is succinct, strong and sufficient. She gives it to you straight, with no bull shit, and I believe she leaves a mass of better-natured humans in her wake.
In the most recent edition, she dishes advice to a lesbian who has less-than-understanding parents. The woman is in a two-year relationship with someone she loves very much and her parents have given her the "we still love you but don't you dare bring her or your lifestyle to our home" crap. Enter Prudence (scroll down a bit):
"Dear Out,
Your parents have gotten to live their own lives, but they don't get to live yours. You are an adult, so stop quavering when they make ridiculous demands and put outrageous restrictions on you. Refuse to accept your parents' edict that the woman you love has to be treated like an embarrassment. ... It's time to explain to your parents that your girlfriend is part of your life and needs to be included by your family. Let them know that if they want to see you for family events, then they will have to welcome her. It can be amazing how much people are able to change when they realize they can no longer push you around."
It makes me feel a lot better about how I've been handling the situation with my parents, which is to say I'm at the point now where I'm better off mentally if they don't contact me. Could that change? I hope so, but we've both sort of dug our heels in (mine are sexy stilettos) and aren't budging. And I'm taking Prudence's last line to heart.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...