
A horrible disease presented to you in pink heart format

I've been listening to a lot of Aus-Rotten (yeah, Pittsburgh punk!)lately and have been meaning to post about a song of theirs called "A.I.D.S.". It's a pretty standard anti-government political punk tune about, you know, how HIV/AIDS was forced upon the population by a cold & faceless regime bent on something something. Probably control.

Anywho, so I searched a bit for the lyrics so that I'd have them right when I posted. I discovered that hey, why just post those lyrics in plain, unappealing text when they could be posted in an exciting little chunk of coding awesomeness that would really lend some weight to the words.

And here we go (please, just note that I didn't make this. It was an optional dealie from a lyrics website):

The actual, playable song without a heart. Can you stand it?: