The turnaround on YouTube L Wordiness is much faster this season, which means that I can safely watch new episodes in 10 minute chunks a mere 18 hours after a new episode airs! Yay for semi-piracy!
Four things about episode 5.2:
1.) Is Shane ... strapping it on in one of her 685 sex scenes in this episode? I was watching on, you know, a tiny YouTube screen, so it was hard to tell (hee: hard).
2.) Jenny + Katie Holmes = same person? They're starting to look alike, at least on YouTube.
3.) Prison sex! Prison sex! Prison sex! Many naked women in a shower! Prison sex!
4.) In 50 words or less, someone please tell me what is so goddamn appealing about Shane that she can conjure up 685 ladies for sexin' in one episode. Granted, she's not even remotely my type, but uhhh, for reals, I wanna know how it happens that anyone wants to hit it with ye olde shaggy haire.
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...