Recently, a anonymous person, we'll call him or her Degenerate, posted a comment in my recent "A bit about language" posting. This led to tenstimesfast hitting Degenerate where it counts and calling out a good many number of things, which then led to Degenerate posting an additional comment.
I was upset when I read Degenerate's comments, but the overwhelming emotion was sadness. The aching kind that leaves me wondering if Degenerate didn't get enough hugs as a child or if Degenerate is uneducated enough to not quite get that commenting on a queer blog and attacking the blogger is parallel to walking into a bakery full of customers and throwing muffins at the baker. We're surrounded by people who love and understand us here and you are the forever outsider. You can't hurt us with our own words. Calling us homos is awesome. I'm always looking to find ways so people don't mistake me for a hetero. You did us a favor.
I love blogging, actually, I love queer blogging and reading other queer blogs. And whenever I would read a comment similar to the one Degenerate left, I keep reading. It gets me to read more. It's like free advertising for the LGBT set. You see, we've been dealing with Degenerate's kind all our lives in one way or another and leaving a comment hidden behind a false identity doesn't scathe us in any way. It only proves how much work needs to be done promoting equality and tolerance and makes me want to throw money at the HRC and PFLAG.
Now I've worked up an appetite. I'm heading to McDonalds, anyone want anything?
Little Black Dress
Never let it be said that Cate Blanchett doesn’t know what she is doing.
Cate Blanchett knows exactly what she is doing. Like, for instance, here
she is w...